If you have been searching for Shakuntala Devi books then this page will offer you the solution of finding some of the best books written by her. The popular ones along with their latest price drops will be shared on this page. Simply go through the list below and buy it at the best price online.
Who was Shakuntala Devi & Why to read books written by her?
Call her a human-computer, a mental calculator, a Guinness Book record holder, or a writer with extraordinary ability to solve mathematical calculations. She was born with an extraordinary talent that was demonstrated and shared with the world through her books and tours she did in 1950s.
She was probably one of the few of her times to write a book on homosexuality. Though it didn't get much attention at that time many other books written by her are still demanded and searched by the youth of this generation. Why? because of her ways to solve the biggest mathematical calculation in seconds. Â Today, mentioning all the popular ones through this page we have curated a list below. Especially for kids who find it hard to solve arithmetic calculations these books will help you out in many ways.
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