Lord Of The Flies
Sawan Presents a All-Time Great Classic – Lord of the Flies. William Golding's 1954 novel “Lord of the Flies” tells the story of a group of young boys who find themselves alone on a deserted island. They develop rules and a system of organization, but without any adults to serve as a civilizing…

Rs. 151 Rs. 130
Searching for the best price on lord of the flies by William Golding? Don't worry, you just landed on the right page. With best offers and most recent price drops here we have the updated price list for lord of flies that includes new paperback and pre-owned book offers. Simply go through the list below and find the lowest price seller as of today.
A brief intro:
Written by Nobel prize-winning author William Golding the story goes around a bunch of boys who get stuck on an island which is full of surprise to deal with. In the day time, the island is full of birds and beautiful creatures to imagine but the nights get haunted by the presence of a beast. With various twists and surprises that the story brings forth, you will find it hard to put down the book until you get till the end. Using the price list below grab your own copy and enter the world of adventure through the eyes of William Golding and his book “lord of flies”.
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