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Want to list your business for free?
If you have something to offer, we have a reason to put it on Indiaoff. At Indiaoff you can promote and list your product, your service in the form of an offer. If you can offer a deal, a discount or some sort of bargain for people to claim then we will place it on Indiaoff for free. No commission sharing. No charge at all.
Simply fill in the form below and our team will get in touch with you.
Below are some of the examples of what we consider as a deal/offer.
- Get 30% off on the total bill.
- Buy one get one free.
- Use this “XYZ” coupon code to avail 40% off.
- Order one pizza and get 30% off on the other.
- Order now and get 25% off on the next order.
Below are some of the examples of what we DO NOT consider as a deal/offer.
- We offer the best service.
- Buy mobile phones at the best price.
- We offer the lowest price products.
Please note: If there is no percentage or discount then it will not be considered as a deal/offer. Therefore we cannot approve it and we won't upload it.
Please note: Since this a free service, we do not offer any guaranteed spike in your sales, traffic generation, lead generation etc. Our team will try their best to bring maximum eyes on your offer and we hope it helps you reap benefits out of it. But we do not guarantee any success.